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tv   ABC World News Now  ABC  November 14, 2012 1:40am-4:00am PST

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first, a year's long case
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that started with surveillance video of a brutal barroom beating. some say justice has now ben served. we'll be back. >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by united health care. eligible for medic? that's a good thing, but it doesn't cover everything. only about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. so consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement plans, they pick up some of what medicare doesn't pay. and save you up to thousands of dollars in out-of-pocket costs. call today to request a free decision guide to help you better understand what medicare is all about. and which aarp medicare supplement plan works best for you. with these types of plans, you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients... plus, there are no networks, and you'll never need a referral to see a specialist.
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♪ ♪ welcome back, everybody.
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a jury has decided that the city of chicago must pay 850,000 d$8o was brutally beaten by a drunken policeman. the city vows to keep fighting because the cop though was off duty. >> but the bartender says the police department itself is to blame. paul mikey of our chicago station, wls, has the story. >> no comment. >> reporter: this ex-cop chose not to discuss the verdict. >> no comment. >> reporter: the city contended his pummeling of a bartender was unprovoked, inexcusable, but responsibility rested with him, a cop who was off duty but completely drunk. the victim's attorneys argued that he acted the way he did was he was unafraid of the consequences. protected by a long time police code of silence. >> there is a code of silence alive and well in the chicago
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police department, and we had the incredible burden in this case of proving it was widespread and persistent. >> reporter: the jury, three men, eight women, agreed accepting the argument, that he conspired with officers to men is my the case against him and higher ups sought to soft pedal the case to not damage the department's reputation. the head of internal affairs strongly disputed that. the jury awarded the victim $850,000 in damages. >> i am still shocked. and there is so many thoughts on my mind that i really don't know what to say. >> reporter: one of the things she does say is that justice was served. attorneys for the city would not comment on camera. the city in a written statement respectfully disagrees with the decision and that we intend to challenge that verdict through post-trial motions. the power of this tape weighed heavily. >> i don't know if that was a determining factor in what they decided. i think just having that out there is just going to make it a very uphill battle. >> paul mikey from wls. reporting there.
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that video was hard to watch. at the time, 265-pound man. she was a 115-pound woman. any kind of violence man against a woman is hard to watch. especially a drunken tirade. >> spawned a clean-up from the police department. the superintendent at the time stepped down and vowed to clean up their image as well. looks like they are vowing to fight it. he was off duty. >> the mayor there says, look, not a vow of silence or code of silence in the department, but he asked to find those who think there is and root them out. tough to argue with $800,000 for a woman who had to endure that. messy, messy. coming up next after the break, disaster on the golf course. a player is carried out on a stretcher. sure that he was dying. >> but then he roars back to victory. what was it? how did he
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♪ pressure ♪ pressure golf certainly is not a contact sport and a government tournament is rarely the scene of a medical merge, but charlie belgian defied those odds. >> you've got to pace yours, rob. >> indeed. >> with his career on the line, the 28-year-old golfer thought he was having a heart attack and was carried off on a stretcher. how did he turn disaster into victory? here's abc's david wright. >> reporter: it's long been said that competitive golf is a sport played mainly on a 5 1/2-inch course, the space between your ears. >> unfortunate bogey. >> reporter: kaegs in case in point, charlie belgian. in florida he staggered through 18 holes on live tv, appearing
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to be in the middle of a major emergency. >> i felt like i was having a heart attack. first tee to the 18th. felt like i was going to pass out. i didn't have a choice. >> reporter: the stakes were huge. his future on the pga tour, his livelihood on the line. >> i told my caddie we are not leaving here unless i am getting carted off middle of the fair way. >> reporter: no sooner did he finish than the ambulance whisked him away. doctors determined his heart was healthy. turns out he was having a panic attack. the sudden onset of extreme anxiety causing the body to pump out adrenaline as the fight or flight response kicks in. the heart racing uncontrollably, sweating, shortness of breath. 6 million americans suffer from panic disorders. >> symptoms that are similar to having a heart attack. and people fear that they are dying. >> reporter: under the circumstances, it's remarkable that he finished the round. in fact, only later from his hospital bed did he discover how well he did.
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>> i finally looked at my phone at 10:30. that's when i realized i had a three shot lead. >> reporter: he had two more rounds over the weekend. he had to keep his panic at bay. >> it probably was a blessing in disguess. i spent more time worrying about breathing and slowing things down. >> reporter: deep breathing is one way to manage panic attacks. in this case it won him the tournament. other treatments involve valium and other drugs not allowed on the pga tour. for now this new father will stick to managing the attacks by trying to stay calm. >> i was fighting for my career, my family, my baby, everything. the mind is much more powerful than the body. >> reporter: a lesson as important in life as it is in golf. david wright, abc news, los angeles. >> i didn't realize it was that kind of a problem. 6 million folks have that? >> deep breaths, rob. >> that's it. kind of crazy. we know what producers and directors think when we start ad-libbing. the panic attack upstairs. >> ah, deep breaths everybody. t ad-libbing. the panic attack upstairs. >> ah, deep breaths everybody.
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david wright, abc news, los the panic attack upstairs.
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♪ ♪ ♪ all right ♪ all right sunday night where are you ♪ ♪ waiting for the game red, white, and blue ♪ >> everybody knows that song. >> everybody knows faith hill. she looks good when she sings that song. finally, if you were born to be wild, being mild is just not going to cut it. >> that's why more and more bikers are becoming trikers. nick watt joined one gang and went for a spin. >> reporter: beards, chrome, leather vests, more beards, and that noise. but these fellows aren't bikers. they're trikers, saddling up on an easier rider.
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>> life without your bike is just life. and that's never been enough for us. >> reporter: when old bones just can't handle two wheels anymore -- >> i wanted to get a harley, but i have a bad leg. >> different reasons. different hip replacements. we go to a trike. >> reporter: as the baby boomers are aging, trike sales are through the roof, up 45% last year. harley davidson is making a three-wheeled model. and many of the beasts are custom made. >> most of us just want to keep ourselves in the wind. >> reporter: the brothers of the third wheel a benevolent global triker gang has 7,000 members and counting. there are guys still riding well into their 90s. it is a more laid back experience than a bike. riding, i could have fallen asleep if it wasn't for bobbi's pink ponytail flapping in my face. triking is keeping the aging and injured on the open road. >> if you don't know the feeling, it is hard to explain.
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bugs in your teeth, you know, it's just a blast. >> reporter: are you going to ride this thing until you die? >> i will ride until i get killed or die. >> reporter: born to be wild, dawn is refusing to grow old. nick watt, abc news, on the pacific coast highway. >> hmm. >> wow. manufacturers are actually starting to put conversion kits out there on the market to turn your two-wheeler into a three-wheeler. whatever keeps you rocking and rolling into your golden years, why not. go for it. >> i like a tricycle. a different kind of tricycle. harley davidson, offers the tri-glide, ultra classic, base price $30,000. >> wow! that pricey, huh? >> uh-huh. >> whew, man. >> it's expensive to ride away in the sun set. >> and then throw the depends on top of that. wow! into the sunset. >> and then throw the depends on [ female announcer ] now get high speed internet at home on our newly expanded advanced digital network, a connection you can count on. introducing at&t u-verse high speed internet with more speed options, reliability and wi-fi hot spots than ever.
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prove it. enough is enough. d-con no view, no touch trap snaps to kill instantly. no looking, no touching. d-con. get out. this morning on "world news now" -- the first sighting of
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paula broadwell since the world found out she is the mistress of former cia director david petraeus. >> we've also learned that broadwell had e-mailed others now involved in the military sex scandal. it is wednesday, november 14th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." that's right. you heard it. broadwell wasn't only e-mailing the other woman in the scandal, jill kelley. good morning, everyone. i'm paula faris. we have a couple more layers. >> the other, other woman. >> the other other. >> get your flowcharts out to follow the story, folks. good morning. i'm rob nelson. reporters will have a chance to question president obama about the story today. it his first news conference since his re-election. >> as if he doesn't have enough on his plate. right? also this half hour, we have
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reported here about dangers of cheerleading. go team. go, rob. go "world news now." you probably know where we're going with this one. we have the latest example from last night in the nba. >> pretty horrific to watch. we'll tell you exactly how this one ended. >> hope she's okay. we're hearing this morning from paul ryan. he tells our john karl about the shock of last tuesday night and whether president obama now has a mandate to govern in his second term. some interesting comments from the former veep candidate. >> whether or not he is considering 2016. we mentioned the guy the voice of elmo yesterday in ""the skinny,"" well, a distinctly adult story involving a children's character with new developments. stay with us for that. we begin with the first pictures of paula broadwell since it was revealed she did
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have an affair with david petraeus. broadwell, as you can see here, was seen at her brother's house in washington right there in the window eating and having a little bit of wine. >> we're learning much more about the other woman also at the center of the scandal. we are talking about jill kelley. abc's martha raddatz reports. >> reporter: it is breathtaking. within days, two four-star generals so widely respected in the midst of scandal. first, david petraeus, and now general john allen being investigated for sending what the pentagon said were potentially inappropriate messages, putting on hold his likely promotion to become the supreme allied commander in europe. >> of course, it weighs on him. as much as it weighs on dave petraeus. i believe that dave is very, very sad for what he has admitted he did. >> reporter: at the center of this web, jill kelley, the tampa socialite and honorary military ambassador, living near the centcom headquarters, where petraeus and allen were once based. officials say it was early this summer that kelley received anonymous e-mails accusing her
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of flaunting her friendly relationships with top military brass. the fbi traced those e-mails become to paula broadwell's computer where they discovered the evidence of broadwell's affair with david petraeus. but it doesn't stop there. abc news has learned that general allen also received an anonymous e-mail traced to paula broadwell painting jill kelley as a seductress. a further look by the fbi into kelley's e-mails revealed hundreds between kelley and general allen. 20,000 to 30,000 pages of communications in all. but a source familiar with the e-mails say they contain no evidence of a sexual relationship. supporting what allen says -- instead, they're described as friendly, perhaps flirtatious, but routine. mostly about meetings with ambassadors and dinner parties. in one note, kelley tells the general she saw him on tv. he responds -- thanks, dear, you're a sweetheart.
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many e-mails from kelley to general allen's wife. the two couples were good friends. >> until anyone proves otherwise, i believe he did nothing inappropriate. >> reporter: and the white house made clear the president still has faith in general allen. but the petraeus case is an entirely different matter. federal agents descended on the home of his mistress, paula broadwell, gathering more material, including a desktop computer, making sure she doesn't hold any classified information. and davis petraeus, once such a public hero, now forced into the shadows. while there is plenty of anger over petraeus' behavior with paula broadwell, the overwhelming reaction i have heard from troops is one of sadness mixed with pride for his years of leadership and hardship in this nation's wars. martha raddatz, abc new, washington. and we've also learned that jill kelley tried to claim diplomatic immunity in a
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complaint call to police about reporters who were on her lawn. >> her license plate does carry the title honorary consul, that was given by the korean embassy and carries no special privileges. we learned that kelley hired a top washington criminal defense lawyer and publicist. but jill kelley and her husband, very good friends with general petraeus and his wife. in reading of the article from "usa today" they said that jill kelley and petraeus they exchange nearly daily e-mails and instant messages. two of his former staffers told ap. but those messages were exchanged in accounts that aides regularly monitored and they were not romantic in tone as were the messages to general allen. >> a lot of the e-mails from jill to general allen were actually to general allen's wife. if there was an affair, would the mistress be e-mailing the wife? there is a reason to perhaps believe there was something more innocent than what was going on with petraeus. an interesting historical footnote here. the lawyer now representing broadwell, the petraeus mistress
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works for the same firm that represented monica lewinsky. so it gets dirty and interesting and just washington -- mmm. insider stuff all the way around too. you have to wonder, the two guys are busy, running wars, four-star generals, they had that much time for all these little, you know, minutia-filled e-mails 20,000, 30,000 over a two-year span. two very busy, powerful men. why are they in communication with a board socialite what she has been called in tampa. there are still questions here. >> can't be taken down by the most powerful men in the world or terrorists or military, but they can be taken down by women. >> the power of the opposite sex, folks. all right. it is expected president obama will be asked about the petraeus scandal during his news conference this afternoon. abc news will provide live coverage on-air and on line at 1:30 eastern time. and three people are dead following a fiery plane crash in jackson, mississippi. all three were killed when their
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single-engine piper slammed into a house just after takeoff tuesday night. a mother and son escaped the burning home with minor injuries. the cause of the crash is under investigation. and still no word on what caused a powerful explosion that leveled a neighborhood in indianapolis. two people were killed. five homes were destroyed in that blast. saturday night. dozens of other homes were damaged. investigators say there was no smell of gas before the explosion, but nothing has been ruled out. a cheerleader for the orlando magic is hospitalized this morning after a stunt went horribly wrong. between the first and second quarter, jamie wood was on a teammate's shoulders when she fell and hit the ground hard. paramedics were so concerned they immediately put her in a neck brace. wood was able to wave to the crowd as she was taken away in a stretcher. the hardwood floor. the wave there's a good sign she's going to be okay.
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good to see. >> those girls are able to maneuver their bodies and flip around. it's dangerous. some people don't think cheerleading is a sport. come on. >> it is dangerous. i'm not going to get tossed up in the air like those folks. hope she's okay. two pretty hardy snowboarders back on dry land this morning after being stranded on a blizzard on mt. rainier since sunday. >> they got lost in whiteout conditions with no overnight gear and few crackers to eat. after calling 911, they built a snow cave and hunkered down. once rescue teams arrived with warm drinks, and snowshoes they made it off the mountain on their own power. >> on their own volition they got down the mountain? >> that's impressive. lucky dudes. well, here's your wednesday weather. showers, thunderstorms in the southeast from macon, georgia, jacksonville, orlando, and miami. mountain snow in the northern rockies. morning showers from seattle to portland. and it's warming up in the southwest.
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>> 77, phoenix. 67, sacramento. 50s pacific northwest. 40s, midwest and northeast. she has been waiting for this all morning. go for it. >> no, i haven't. my voice is still struggling, and here's why. as some of you know, i spent the weekend in chicago where i worked for the last six years. saw some friends. had fun at the bears' game. they did lose. unfortunately. i did a pretty good job humiliating myself singing at a fund raiser with richard marx. ♪ i hate myself for loving you ♪ can't break free from the things that you do ♪ ♪ i want to rock but i run back to you ♪ ♪ that's why i hate myself for loving you ♪ yes, i was channeling my inner joan jett. "i hate myself for loving you." i had a little liquid courage before i went on. >> i guess so. >> but the event --
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"newsapalooza" and take people pay big money to see them out of their element. not everybody is that good. but i want to thank, richard roper, rocon, two radio icons. i will not sing it for you. >> you can sing. i've asked you to sing. you have never done it. now you're going to take us to break with a little -- give us a little something, raspy, sexy, gore if it gorkset the lights. >> oh, pauley. ♪ i hate myself for loving you >> oh, paula faris. >> i love myself for loving you. >> i'm impressed. richard marx, yes, indeed. >> i turn my back and you've been messing around. >> not me. no, i am a choirboy. i am impressed. check her out at the grammys. coming up. we must be getting close to the end of the year because the top ten lists are coming up, one we will have in "the skinny." >> next up, paul ryan back to the house of representatives, and talking to abc news. it's all coming up on "world news now." ♪ i hate myself for loving you >> and we love you. >> joan jett. >> uh-huh. >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by colonial penn insurance.
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weather brought to you by colonial penn insurance. to you by colonial penn insurance. [ snoring ]
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well one of the most puzzling results of last well one of the most puzzling results of last week's presidential election was how surprised mitt romney and paul ryan were that they actually lost. >> almost blind-sided. now paul ryan has given his first network tv interview since the defeat to abc's jonathan karl. >> reporter: how much of a shock was it? >> well, you know, we thought we had a really good chance of winning. the polling and the data and all the people, the smart people who watch this stuff, they had a pretty optimistic view on the
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night. and so going into boston that day, we felt like we had a pretty darn good chance of winning. as yo can imagine, it was a bit of a shock. when we didn't win. >> reporter: "saturday night live" poked fun at ryan, native of janesville, wisconsin. >> mother sent me to got you, father. paul ryan is doing feats of strength in the drawing room. she thought we would like to see. >> yeah? well, i'd like to see him carry wisconsin! >> reporter: the president wins 330-some electoral votes, every battleground state with the exception of north carolina does barack obama now have a mandate? >> i don't think so because they also re-elected the house republicans. whether people intended or not, we've got a divided government. >> reporter: so you don't think there's a mandate here. >> i don't because then they would have put nancy pelosi in charge of the house of representatives. see, i think these idea that we talked about i think they're popular ideas.
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this is a very close election. unfortunately, divided government didn't work very well the last two years. we are going to have to make sure it works for the next two years. that means, i think, both parties have to talk to each other. >> reporter: diane sawyer asked speaker boehner if you are now the de facto leader of the republican party. and his answer was, oh, i wouldn't think so. paul ryan is a policy wonk. >> i take that as a great compliment from john. >> reporter: is that your role in the republican party, the house policy wonk? >> i have also been one of the house policy wonks. my role is to continue to be a champion of ideas, to help our party be a reform party that shows how we get economic growth. >> reporter: i asked ryan about speculation that he would be an early front-runner for the republican presidential nomination in 2016. he told me it is way too early to even think about the next presidential race. jonathan karl, abc news, washington. >> he also said another reason that his team lost is that turnout in the urban areas in the country was so high, but they also lost in states with few minorities and rural areas, iowa, new hampshire.
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if you look at a lot of the president's poll numbers, there was more at play than folks of color coming out in support. that's one important part of the narrative but not the full story. so, interesting, good to hear from him. and, of course, they're looking at 2016. they're all looking at 2016. we'll see. >> let's hope they look in the mirror first and restructure. >> a fine point. when we come back this morning, the verdict is in. it is "in style's" best dressed list. >> see if you agree in "the skinny." >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations. @
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. ♪ skinny so skinny ♪ skinny so skinny all right. so anybody that knows anything about fashion and wants to end up on "in style's" top dressed list, the top fashionistas of 2012 we'll start with. >> besides us. >> besides us. i think we're the worst dressed list actually. the best dressed of 2012, emma stone. actress. >> all right. >> stunning, stunning blond. sometimes has red hair. sometimes dark hair. never know. she looks beautiful no matter what. emma stone is coming in as the top dressed female of 2012. then diane kruger, no relation to my howze john krueger. it's spelled a little differently. she is still stunning.
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>> thank you for clarifying. >> kristen stewart. yes, alexa chung. >> kristen, i just don't get it. >> and kate bosworth. top five. then, we have a wee one, little suri cruise at number nine. >> little suri. young to be on the list. i have to ask. kate middleton made the list to assume? duchess of cambridge. seven. >> there she is. >> why would you care about that? >> i don't know. >> she is on everyone's top list. i don't know if she got bumped off, which would be a major scandal. "gma" would cover all morning. >> he says he doesn't like the royals. >> i don't like the royals. >> truth comes out. >> speaking of the truth, truth comes out. kevin clash, the voice behind the popular character elmo. nasty allegations came out he had a relationship with an under aged boy. he has since confirmed, yes, he is gay, yes there was a relationship, it happened when the, the accuser who is now 23 years old, came out and said, look, i'm recanting my accusations here. yes, there was a relationship, but i was of age at the time.
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so this young man, kevin clash, the voice of elmo, has been cleared now and exonerated. so whaer rumors are out there the last few days all cleared up.r says, no, i take it back. good news that we got to that. so, you know, no, all the tickle me jokes can cease for now. >> jeez. rob, when you pick up the latest edition of "allure" magazine, december edition. >> right next to the toilet. >> you will see keira knightley, a lot of her, not much of her. coming under criticism for the cover shot. critics are saying she looks anorexic. this plagued her for a very long time. she said, tells the magazine, the constant criticism gets her at times. she denies it. i knew i wasn't anorexic, that maybe my body is somehow not right. yeah. under fire. >> body images.
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>> haven't heard that song in years. well done, guys. >> uh-huh. finally, we have all been there dpliesk a h there, driving in a hurry and stuck behind a school bus taking forever and ever. i think they're still unloading all those kids. probably tempted to pass right around it. >> well one cleveland woman didn't have to wait because she detoured right around the bus on the sidewalk. but that's where her luck ended. and our cleveland station has the story. >> reporter: when 32-year-old sheena harden pulled her sidewalk stunt in september, she didn't know she was being recorded. today it was lights, camera, action. the video captured in cleveland went viral, the cleveland muni court judge displeased and sentenced harden to an unusual punishment, no jail time for driving on the sidewalk to get
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around a stopped school bus. however, a fine, a suspended driver's license, and this. during this morning's rush hour, harden had to stand at the intersection of 38th and superior wearing a sign that read "only an idiot drives on the sidewalk to avoid a school bus." people passing by said -- >> nice punishment for her. she just should have took another route. >> people don't want to stop for buses all the time. just yesterday it almost happened. i am hoping people will learn from her mistake. >> lisa kelley's daughter was the one being picked up by the school bus when harden drove on the sidewalk. kelly thinks harden is not taking this punishment seriously. >> she's been texting, she's been smoking, she's hiding her face, she's got sunglasses on and it's snowing outside. you know, she don't care. >> reporter: as for scypion, she wasn't answering any questions. >> reporter: maybe you feel like you didn't do anything wrong.
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>> reporter: perhaps she is letting the sign do her talking. >> as you heard in the piece the woman hasn't been doing what she is supposed to. the judge is upset because she's been out there leaning on her sign, texting, chain smoking, even hopped back in a waiting car during the hour she is supposed to be out there. now the judge in the case is going to personally super advise her this morning to make sure she does it the right way. >> she's going to join her. >> he's going to personally supervise her, the update we have on the story. because she has been taking the lazy way out. >> i hope she takes the punishment seriously. she seriously could have hurt a child. >> some kids. all right, kind of scary. okay, have fun leaning on that sign. more from abc next. >> announcer: this is abc's
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xx. this morning on "world news now" -- risky rescue. 30 rescuers struggling through this morning on "world news now" -- risky rescue. 30 rescuers struggling through chest-high snow finally reach two stranded snowboarders on mt. rainier. >> the two are now safe and sound after being lost in treacherous whiteout conditions for two nights. it's wednesday, november 14th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." good wednesday -- >> hump day. >> wednesday morning. i'm paula faris. we're going to do the hump day dance today. >> is that what that is? >> not you and i. i need a better move. >> yeah, indeed. that's what i have heard. >> we need to work on that together. >> good wednesday morning, everybody. i'm rob nelson. in a moment, we'll hear how the two snowboarders strand i by a blizzard survived the cold, dark, and the danger. very lucky fellows. >> yes.
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also ahead, the latest on the women embroiled in the military sex scandal, including the first pictures of paula broadwell since the story of her affair with david petraeus, that's jill kelley, in the video there. paula broadwell, not paula faris coming up in a second. >> there are a lot of ladies. >> a lot of paulas in the world. >> lots of us. the mcafee mystery deepens. john mcafee on the lam saying he won't turn himself in for questioning over the murder of his neighbor in belize. >> a crazy story, he can secure our computers and himself apparently. still out on the run. wow, apparently was going through quite a meltdown. we'll hear that in a second too. later, beyond black friday, the secrets to which days you will really be able to find the best holiday shopping deals. this is your story. so what are the secrets, paula? >> i don't like to shop. that's my secret. avoid the lines altogether. >> shouldn't we just go online? >> you can actually. >> enticing people to do that right?
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>> that's really the direction of it. they still want to bring people into the store and buy other things. >> of course. >> yeah, they're trying to convince you and come to where you are, which is online. wipe your keyboard off. first, the snowboarders survived two nights stranded on mt. rainier. they're back home this morning. in pretty decent shape considering their ordeal, a happy ending there. >> they spent two days and nights in a snow cave soaking wet with crackers to eat. reporter luke duecy of our seattle affiliate has the details. >> reporter: cold and hungry, but alive. snowboarders and best friends thomas dale and derek tindall hugged family and friends, then told us how they survived two nights stranded on mt. rainier. >> the weather changed and we thought one thing, looked like,
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where we went. and then looked around. took a hard left. put us in like the middle of a three stage cliff. and then -- >> reporter: basically just got lost? >> pretty much. turned around. >> reporter: they say a snowstorm hit suddenly sunday afternoon. after getting lost they called home then 911. a dispatcher told them to stay put. they did. huddled up together in a snow cave they built to stay warm. >> there was a little bit of spooning. >> yeah, not going to lie. >> little man spooning. >> exactly. exactly. >> what stays in the caves stays in the caves. >> reporter: by monday morning, the laughing stopped. both woke up wet and even colder. >> that was pretty much the scariest moment i thought, waking up the next morning being like we were soaking wet. this is not good. >> reporter: the two had little food and say they started to hallucinate at times. >> some ritz crackers. >> there was a stream so we were able to keep getting water. >> there were points in time, is that a tent? no, that's a rock. is that a person? no, that's a rock. >> reporter: by monday afternoon, rescuers spotted both of them. when they did come down. thomas and derek were happy to walk off the mountain into the arms of their moms and dads.
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and both of them will be okay. >> toes are a little cold still. but, i mean, that is just mind over matter if anything. >> wow, dude, that's totally like bill and ted's excellent snow adventure. what was that? >> you can do a lot of impressions. let's cross that one off the list. >> people got the general gist though. what happens in the cave, stays in the cave. the guys were in good spirits. made it through hell. came out cool, calm on the other side. got to give them credit for that. >> what amazes me, once they were rescued, they made it down the mountain of their own volition. >> hey, dude. >> hey, dude. >> awesome. >> somehow i think wherever they are right now they're definitely relaxing. i think so. >> they might be watching us. >> that was luke deucy from our seattle affiliate. thanks for that story. also this morning, more serious news, we're seeing the first picture of paula broadwell since she, of course, became the center of a sex scandal involving david petraeus. there she is.
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>> broadwell was clearly seen through the window of her brother's house in washington. now the fbi reportedly stepped up its efforts to find out how broadwell obtained the classified information found on her computer. and right there is a visual of the other woman, jill kelley, who many just describe as a military fund-raiser. >> right. quick point here. come on now, paula was in the window drinking a glass of wine. has better lighting than we do right now, with the media -- the world media kind of watching her now. seems slightly staged. just saying. oh, well. sure she has a pr crew doing their thing now. as for the other woman in the scandal though she has not been accused of any wrongdoing, jill kelley has now hired a top washington criminal defense lawyer. >> she's also hired a publicist, the same one who represented monica lewinsky. >> ah. >> abc's chief investigative correspondent, brian ross, set out to learn how she forged such a close relationship with the generals. >> reporter: jill kelley spent the day at her home in tampa, not answering questions. in the background a television could be seen with news coverage of the peyton place like
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military sex scandal that focused attention on who she is and how she ended up in the middle of it all. the license plate on kelley's mercedes-benz shows she is honorary consul for south korea. hi, this is jill kelley. >> reporter: in the 911 phone calls, kelley told the dispatcher she deserved protection from the media outside because of that. >> i am honorary consul general, so i have inviolability. they should not be able to cross my property. i don't know if you want to get diplomatic protection involved as well because that's against the law to cross because this is now, like, you know -- >> reporter: kelley lives near mcdill air force base, home of central command and special operations command a place where access is closely guarded. yet she had easy access to the country's most powerful general
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stationed there. this picture was taken two years ago at a party at the kelley home. showing jill's twin sister, natalie, general petraeus, jill's husband scott, jill, the general's wife, holly. >> there's no question that they're friends and no reason why they wouldn't be friends. >> reporter: despite all of her lavish entertaining, court documents reviewed by abc news, show that jill kelley and her husband have been sued at least nine times and faced foreclosure on their home, the kelley home also served as an office for a charity she and her husband, a doctor, once set up for cancer victims, which spent tens of thousands of dollars on travel, meals, and entertainment. all of it raised lots of questions about the two generals and their connections to the tampa housewife. brian ross, abc news, new york. >> i'm making a prediction. "real housewives of tampa" will be on bravo within the next 18 months. just saying. calling it. putting money on it.
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>> seems like a candidate. described as a nice, bored, rich socialite. >> that's, thus the show. telling you. calling it. heard it here first, "world news now." >> double in on the bet with my cough drops. >> boom, boom. we'll both get paid. beautiful. moving on. president obama will certainly face questions about the petraeus scandal during his first post election news conference which happens later today at 1:30 eastern time. abc news, we will be providing live coverage with diane sawyer and george stephanopoulos. there is a warning about new fallout from hurricane sandy. higher taxes for new jersey residents who already pay the highest property taxes in the entire country. governor chris christie, a crusader for lower taxes, now says the rebuilding has to be paid for and as he puts it, quote, there is no magic money tree. sandy, of course, demolished new jersey beach towns, wrecked mass transit, and left 2.7 million homes in the dark. >> he says the people who live in the towns that have been destroyed by hurricane sandy that will likely pay higher taxes. so it doesn't necessarily appear
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to be statewide, but he did sign into law, 2010, where he would not allow property taxes to be raised more than 2%. >> i imagine that will not sit well, but it is an expensive recovery. we'll see. well, the prostitution scandal threatening to tear apart the seaside community in ken bunk, maine, will now be split in two. >> a judge ordered separate trials for the zumba instructor alexis wright and her business partner. accused of using her dance studio as a brothel, building a client list of more than 150 men including prominent community members. that story gets me all tongue-tied. >> i know it does. i wonder why. well, a driver who fled the scene of a hit-and-run crash in milwaukee over the weekend may be surprised to learn it was all caught on surveillance video. the car ran a stop sign, hit an
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suv, went airborne, landed on its side. neighbors rushed to rescue a woman unconscious at the time and her child hanging from the car seat. no word yet on whether police have tracked down that driver. tens of thousand of folks gathered to get a glimpse as mother nature briefly pulled the plug over northern australia. it was a total solar eclipse. >> crowds erupted in cheers as the moon passed between the sun ant and earth, plunging the region into darkness. the peak of the eclipse lasted over 2:00 in australia. hotels have been booked solid more than three years. more than 50,000 people flooded the area. the next total eclipse of the sun takes place in 2015. >> nice visual there. and a good will store in washington state is saying hello, dali, salvador dali. >> that's because workers going through a donation bin discovered what appears to be an original etching signed by the famed artist. >> bidding began on the print, reflection, could fetch up to $5,000 for goodwill. somebody is going to be reflecting why they were dumb enough to get rid of this. >> good for the charity, i
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guess. >> oh, yes. that's what i meant. well, coming up. call it black friday creep, earlier and earlier. the stores want you to start shopping. the earliest yet is ahead. first, the bizarre story mentioned yesterday, the former tech mogul on the run. we'll be right back. >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by consumer cellular. ld news now" weather brought to you by consumer cellular.
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hd 3 you disgust me.
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prove it. enough is enough. d-con baits are specially formulated to kill in one feeding. guaranteed. d-con. get out. what's today's dare? erase the damage of 100 blow-drys [ female announcer ] with daily moisture renewal from pantene.
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the pro-v system nourishes to lock in moisture erasing the damage of 100 blow drys for a silky, soft touch. think only salon brands can do that? i took the dare...will you? [ female announcer ] daily moisture renewal from pantene. hair so healthy it shines. there is trouble in paradise for an american man who once there is trouble in paradise for an american man who once had it all. john mcafee made a fortune. developing security software for computers.
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>> now police want to question him about the murder of his neighbor. but he fears he could be the next victim. abc's matt gutman reports from belize. >> reporter: john mcafee, a software savant, whose name was synonymous, now becoming synonymous with drugs, paranoia and the mysterious murder of mcafee's murder, greg fall, overnight saturday here in belize. mcafee is on the run telling "wired" magazine he has drastically changed his appearance. [ indiscernible ] >> reporter: police tell abc news the 67-year-old is a person of interest and is now being hunted by police, even american officials still investigating the scene of the crime. >> when the police arrived at his property, he saw them coming and he hid. he, in fact, says that he dug himself into the sand and put a cardboard box over his head, but he's convinced if the police catch him, the police will kill him. >> reporter: the island of ambergris caye, of palm shaded sand in the caribbean, accessible by puddle jumpers, so intimate everybody knows everybody.
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shane mccann was one of the first on the scene. >> he had a gunshot wound to the back of his head. he was lying face up. >> reporter: fall had lived here for years, a place where americans come to find quiet and anonymity. but according to realtor jim turney, mcafee stood out. he said that he's paranoid. i wonder if you've ever seen any evidence of that. >> certainly. any of us who live here on the island notice that when he is moving about town, he's not alone. he's got his security personnel, his security guard with him. >> reporter: they were armed with shotguns. mcafee even seemed to advertise his zeal for security. but it could be this photo, snapped for a feature of john mcafee in an upcoming edition of "wired" which tells the story of a genius whose paranoia may be eating away at his sanity. >> i hid for almost 18 hours. i had buried myself in sand. i have slept on roofs.
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i will do whatever it takes. >> reporter: during the recession, mcafee lost nearly $100 million. but enough was left to buy this compound. mcafee tells "wired" he believes the country of belize is out to get him. >> that they don't like him. that they either want him to leave the country or they want him dead. >> reporter: mcafee told "wired" police poisoned his dogs and that they killed his neighbor, insisting he had nothing to do with fall's death. >> he's dead, yeah. they killed him. so it -- it spooked me out. i thought, my god, they miss took him for me. they got the wrong house. >> reporter: police and fall's family tell abc news, a different story, mcafee had become unhinged even violent. something that his motor driver witnessed firsthand recently. he traveled to belize in 2010 to interview mcafee and filmed this footage while there. >> i started to realize that the public persona of mcafee was very different from the private persona. he went through using a drug
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that was hallucinogenic. but would cause psychosis. >> he says mcafee bragged about his fondness for the controversial but not illegal drug called bath salts. bull mcafee kept running afoul of police. >> i seriously entertained doubts as to whether i was going to get out of his house alive. >> reporter: national security minister spokesman, rafael martinez says police now wonder about his sanity. >> i do not know the reason why should be well -- not coming forward to speak with the police. i mean not coming forward means that you are wanted for questioning. i mean it begs the question, exactly, as to his state of mind, of course. >> reporter: according to davis who continues to be in kmurn indication with mcafee, mcafee remains on the move, but is committed to staying in his beloved belize. he leaves behind a community reeling and still fearful of mcafee on the lam. i'm matt gutman in san pedro, belize. >> a bizarre story. coming up next, the movie toward earlier and early, holiday shopping.
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>> you can forget about black about black friday.
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ñ well, brace yourself. another giant chain store is feeding the holiday shopping frenzy. >> i was bracing myself. sears doesn't want its customers to have to wait until thanksgiving. shoppers can buy right from their home computers this weekend. cue the crowds after wal-mart, target, toys "r" us, and kmart announced their sales will start as early as 8:00 on thanksgiving night. sears now says it is upping the ante, starting black friday this sunday at 5:00 p.m. customers who are members of the "shop your way" club will be able to get deals online and then pick up their purchases in the store.
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>> it's going to give our customers a much better experience. they will have more options and more alternatives, hopefully won't be rushed and feel they're getting the best deal. >> reporter: analysts wonder if other stores will try to match sears in what is shaping up to be an extremely competitive holiday shopping season. saying the earlier stores could convince people to start spending, the better. >> the big box stores are coming out this year and trying something different. they're trying to extend the opportunities of shopping and give the customers as many times to shop as they can. >> for its part, sears says it is just moving the same direction as its customers online. >> you know, i think black friday five years from now is going to have an awful lot more convenience options for the customers. i think with the adoption of technology, people are going to be shopping more and more with smartphones and tablets. >> look at rob ordering my gift already. the best time to shop, monday, tuesday, wednesday, after thanksgiving. according to shopper track. i actually need those. >> a year's supply of breath mints. >> thank you. year's supply of breath mints. >> thank you.
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mints. [ scratching ]
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you're not using too much are you, hon? ♪ nope. [ female announcer ] charmin ultra soft is so soft you'll have to remind your family they can use less. charmin ultra soft is made with extra cushions that are soft and more absorbent. plus you can use four times less versus the leading value brand. don't worry, there's plenty left for you dad. we all go. why not enjoy the go with charmin ultra soft?
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i looked at the picture again, i'm sorry. i love our second story coming up. before we get to that, this is considered the news of the week, a very timely story. listen to this. from the "l.a. times." a study published tuesday in the "journal of neuroscience" has uncovered a surprising new property of oxytocin. finding when men in monogamous relationships got a sniff of this stuff, they subsequently put a little extra space between themselves and an attractive woman that they had just met. this is a hormone that men can sniff that would keep them more monogamous. >> it promotes faithfulness? >> it promotes faithfulness, which we could use a lot more of. oxytocin did not have the same effect on single straight men who comfortably park themselves between 21 and 24 inches from a female stranger. if you were in a monogamous relationship you stood 6 1/2 inches further back.
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the hormone kind of made you kind of keep -- a better distance between someone you were attracted to if you are in a relationship. >> is that what jenny has been popping in your drinks lately? >> i am a good boy. a hormone to keep married monogamous men faithful. we have a shipment headed to d.c. >> a what? >> a shipment, shipment headed right even to d.c. get that stuff there stat, please. okay. this is the story that rob is grinning about. just bring the picture up, okay? without further adieu, it's the tata truck, a big breast and a nipple on top of it. >> yes, indeed. >> a milk truck modified to become a breast-feeding truck. because you know breast-feeding is stigmatized. a mother in pittsburgh wanted other moms to feel like there is a safe place for them to breast-feed their babies. >> she chose the subtle truck. >> subtle truck with a large breast and large nipple on top. what i they do is the moms tweet their location to the milk truck whenever they feel like they're
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in an unwelcome environment, and the milk truck will come. they've actually raised $15,000 for this. you hear stories about this all the time, women being forced into bathrooms to nurse. it's not legal in all 50 states. >> that's crazy. it's a perfectly -- >> in public domain. i should say. >> it's nature. i never understood why people get freaked out by all that stuff. that truck, that truck. >> tata truck. >> wonder if they host bachelor parties. [ laughter ] also, take a look. this video speaks for itself. a product that started as a joke. actually is a real thing you can been for $40. a swifter you put on your kid, as they crawl on the floor, they're literally cleaning up. >> you're kidding me. >> same time they're crawling. get it for $40. started as a joke. "snl" did something with it on the weekend.
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this morning on "world news now" -- we follow the e-mail trail that's at the center of the military sex scandal. >> that's just as we're seeing one of the women involved for the first time since the story broke. it's wednesday, november 14th. >> announcer: from abc news this is "world news now." good morning, everybody. well, paula broadwell was seen just last night in washington through the window of her brother's house. good morning on this wednesday. i'm rob nelson. >> yeah. and she was sipping on wine, looking somewhat relaxed. >> probably needs a drink. >> i'm the other paula, paula faris. very uncomfortable with all this talk. details this morning about the other woman in the story, referring to jill kelley. we may hear from president obama about it all today as well. >> yeah. his first news conference since being re-elected. you can imagine this will be high on the press corps' agenda for sure.
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also this half hour, two guys safely back with their families after a few harrowing and rather cold days on one of our continent's highest mountains. we'll hear from them coming up in just a second. then from california, it was a pretty rude awakening for some residents thanks to tens of thousands of gallons of water and lots of dirt. when you put those two together, well, you pretty much get more mud than anyone should have to deal with. >> look at that. talk about pressure, the golfer who was basically trying to save his career. and as if that wasn't bad enough, wait until we tell you what else he was dealing with during one nearly unbelievable round. talk about a long walk, very much a spoiled here. but a good lesson for millions of americans who have maybe the same condition that guy does. yeah. but first, new details in the still unfolding sex scandal surrounding david petraeus.
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>> we're finding out much more about the two women whose e-mails touched off all of this week's drama. here's abc's karen travers in washington. >> reporter: for the first time since the scandal broke, we see the woman behind the affair, paula broad well, that scandal now includes the top u.s. commander in afghanistan, general john allen. under investigation for potentially inappropriate e-mails with jill kelley, another woman at the center of the scandal. allen denies any wrongdoing. and a u.s. official said 95% of the e-mails in question are routine and harmless, but some are characterized as friendly and flirtatious. >> until somebody proves otherwise, i believe that he did nothing inappropriate. >> reporter: for now allen will remain in his job. >> the president thinks very high leap of general allen and his service to his country as well as the job he has done in afghanistan. >> reporter: but his nomination to be nato's supreme allied commander in europe's on hold. an official told abc news the
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fbi uncovered hundred if not thousands of e-mails between david petraeus and his biographer paula broadwell, many of them salacious in nature. earlier this summer jill kelley received anonymous threatening e-mails the fbi traced to broadwell's computer. there they discovered evidence of her affair with petraeus. general allen received one e-mail traced to broadwell that claimed jill kelley was a seductress. a white house spokesman said the president was surprised whrn he heard of the petraeus situation last week. they said they wouldn't call it welcome. rob and paula, back to you. >> all right. thank you, karen. and we're learning much more about the tampa socialite at the center of this scandal. jill kelley has a special license plate, designating her as an honorary consul. the title is given by the korean embassy, but it carries no official responsibilities, nor does it grant any immunities or
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even pay a stipend. and even though she has not been accused of any wrongdoing just yet, kelli hired a top criminal defense attorney and signed on with a publicist. the same one hired by, yeah, wait for it. monica lewinsky. interesting. >> very intriguing. well, president obama will certainly face questions about the petraeus scandal during his first post-election news conference later today at 1:30 eastern. abc news will provide live coverage with diane sawyer as well as george stephanopoulos. but the president, as mentioned earlier in this newscast, standing by general kelly through his spokesman, speaking very highly of him. >> general allen, yes. >> did i say kelly? >> you said kelly. >> general jill kelley. >> yeah. you need a flowchart to follow this story, no problem. >> general allen for sure. but there is bipartisan support. a lot of people want general petraeus to come back and testify on benghazi, which is supposed to happen on thursday in front of the state
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intelligence committee. but we've seen democrats, republicans saying he was there, he visited libya, he needs to come and debrief everyone as to what he saw. doesn't look like it will happen. >> you have to wonder you think pressure is going to mount a little bit. both side are saying this. he did a personal review of benghazi after admitting to the affair. he went on the trip. the fact that he had an affair doesn't make testimony less relevant or change the fact that thee was in charge when the ambassador and three others were killed. so you would assume there's a strong ration al to bring him there to testify. for two reasons he didn't want to do it. for one, his deputy who has taken over has all the information he has. two, he fears that if he does testify, it would become a media circus. i don't think lawmakers on capitol hill are going to acquiesce to the two points though. >> yeah. i don't think he wants all that extra publicity. there's a lot of it right now.
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>> may not have a choice. we'll see how it plays out. before the president does hold the news conference later today, expect some news from house democratic leader nancy pelosi. pelosi says she will announce later this morning whether she will stay on as minority leader after the democrats failed to within enough seats last week to take back control of the house. and also there are some new questions right now about the political future of democrat jesse jackson jr. who easily won re-election to his illinois house seat last week. jackson has left the mayo clinic for the second time. no word yet on where he is headed or what he might head back to work. he's been on medical leave since june for treatment of bipolar disorder. >> yeah. and the governor of the state is saying it's time for him to speak and say where he is. on the heels of veterans day, boost of monthly benefit checks for vets next year. increases payments 1.7% for almost 4 million veterans and survivors. the measure now headed to the president was held up for weeks because of objections from a republican senator whose identity was not revealed. >> no paycheck quite big enough for what the guys have done. in other news this morning, two snowboarders stranded on a
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mountain since sunday are back home this morning in amazingly good shape. rescue crews say they had to swim through sloppy chest-high snow to reach the two men. hunkered in a snow cave, a few crackers, after taking a wide turn during whiteout conditions. >> the weather changed. we thought one thing looked like where we went. then we moved around, took a hard left, and that put us like in the middle of a three-stage cliff. >> there were points in time where i said when we were hiking around, is that a tent? no, that's a rock. is that a person? no, that's a rock. toes are cold still. it's more mind over matter than anything, so -- >> wow. get this. they were in such good shape they managed to snowshoe their way down that mountain after the rescue team fortified them with some warm drinks and dry clothes.
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>> that was a pretty elaborate effort. collaborative effort. volunteers from tacoma, olympic, seattle mountain rescue teams and four dog teams from the washington search-and-rescue task force. they dug that little cave -- little snow cave for protection and -- >> resourceful. >> very loquacious too. well, in new york, it's lights out for the head of utility company blasted for poor recovery efforts following superstorm sandy. the ceo of the long island power authority resigned without explanation on tuesday. lipa is under fire from outraged customers and a frustrated governor cuomo who says, quote, utility is beyond repair. thousands are still without electricity. a deadly plane crash lit up the night sky in jackson, mississippi. three people were killed when their single-engine piper slammed into a home tuesday night. flames shot 50 feet into the air. a mother and son escaped the burning home with just some minor injuries. the pilot reported an onboard emergency just after takeoff. the exact cause of the crash is still under investigation. and a broken water main is to blame for a goopy, muddy mess
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in a suburban san francisco neighborhood. >> cars were buried in muck up to their wheel wells after a torrent of water gushed out of a hilltop reservoir, and it was all thanks to some piping installed way back during the 1930s. >> it's an 8-inch cast iron pipe. and it sheirred off up on the hillside. so we measured about 45,000 gallons of water. we took at the water level at the time before it broke. and then when we isolated it. crews isolated that valve in about ten minutes upon their response. >> now, the good news is that, no homes were damaged and water service is now fully restored. >> what a mess though. well, after 3 1/2 months of anticipation, a bouncing baby boy in california got just what was coming to him. a name. >> indeed. a traditional chinese ceremony was held at the san diego zoo for its youngest giant panda. out of a thousand entries, zoo
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visitors voted to name him xiao liwu. >> what's the name again? >> according to the teleprompter xiao liwu, which means little gift. >> fortunately the explanation is shorter than the name. zoo officials say xiao liwu is a cub on the small side but strong. he's 23 inches tall and weighs just over 9 pounds. >> welcome to the world, xiao liwu. all right. >> i'll have what he's having. >> yeah. >> like a dish. ooh, the best xiao liwu i've ever had. can i have some fries with this? oh, man. coming up, an increasingly popular way for experienced bike tires to stay on the road. our man goes along for the ride. first, a year-long case that started with surveillance video of a brutal barroom beating. some say justice has now been served.
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we'll be back. some say justice has now ben served. we'll be back. >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by united health care. : "world news now" weather brought to you by united health care. eligible for medic? that's a good thing, but it doesn't cover everything. only about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. so consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement plans, they pick up some of what medicare doesn't pay. and save you up to thousands of dollars in out-of-pocket costs. call today to request a free decision guide to help you better understand what medicare is all about. and which aarp medicare supplement plan works best for you. with these types of plans, you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients... plus, there are no networks, and you'll never need a referral to see a specialist.
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♪ ♪ welcome back, everybody.
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a jury has decided that the city welcome back, everybody. a jury has decided that the city of chicago must pay $850,000 who was brutally beaten by a drunken policeman. the city vows to keep fighting because the cop though was off duty. >> but the bartender says the police department itself is to blame. paul meincke of our chicago station, wls, has the story. >> no comment. >> reporter: this ex-cop chose not to discuss the verdict. >> no comment. >> reporter: the city contended his pummeling of a bartender was unprovoked, inexcusable, but responsibility rested with him, a cop who was off duty but completely drunk. the victim's attorneys argued that he acted the way he did was he was unafraid of the consequences. protected by a long time police code of silence. >> there is a code of silence alive and well in the chicago police department, and we had the incredible burden in this
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case of proving it was widespread and persistent. >> reporter: the jury, three men, eight women, agreed accepting the argument that a body conspired with other officers to minimize the case against him and higher-ups sought to soft pedal the case to not damage the department's reputation. the head of internal affairs strongly disputed that. the jury awarded the victim $850,000 in damages. >> i am still shocked. and there is so many thoughts on my mind that i really don't know what to say. >> reporter: one of the things she does say is that justice was served. attorneys for the city would not comment on camera. but the city in a written statement respectfully disagrees with the decision and that we intend to challenge that verdict through post-trial motions. the power of this tape weighed heavily. >> i don't know if that was a determining factor in what they decided, but i think just having that out there is just going to make it a very uphill battle. >> paul meineke from wls
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reporting there. that video was hard to watch. at the time, 265-pound man. she was a 115-pound woman. any kind of violence man against a woman is hard to watch. especially a drunken tirade. >> spawned a clean-up from the police department. the superintendent at the time stepped down and vowed to clean up their image as well. looks like they are vowing to fight it. he was off duty. >> and the mayor there, rahm emanuel, says, look, not a vow of silence or code of silence in the department, but he asked to find those who think there is and root them out. tough to argue with $800,000 for a woman who had to endure that. messy, messy. coming up next after the break, disaster on the golf course. a player is carried out on a stretcher, sure shah he that he was dying. >> but then he roars back to victory. what was it? how did he manage to win? stay with us to find out. >> announcer: "world news now" ?
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♪ you have to learn to pace yourself ♪ pressure ♪ golf certainly is not a contact sport and a government tournament is rarely the scene of a medical merge, but charlie beljan defied those odds. >> you've got to pace yourself, rob. >> indeed. >> with his career on the line, the 28-year-old golfer thought he was having a heart attack and was carried off on a stretcher. how did he turn disaster into victory? here's abc's david wright. >> reporter: it's long been said that competitive golf is a sport played mainly on a 5 1/2-inch course, the space between your ears. >> unfortunate bogey. >> reporter: case in point, charlie beljan. in florida on friday he staggered through 18 holes on live tv, appearing to be in the middle of a major emergency.
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>> i felt like i was having a heart attack. first tee to the 18th. felt like i was going to pass out. i didn't have a choice. >> reporter: the stakes were huge. his future on the pga tour, his livelihood on the line. >> i told my caddie, i said, we're not leaving here unless i'm getting carted off the middle of the fairway. >> reporter: no sooner did he finish than the ambulance whisked him away. doctors determined his heart was healthy. turns out he was having a panic attack, the sudden onset of extreme anxiety causing the body to pump out adrenaline as the fight-or-flight response kicks in, the heart racing uncontrollably, sweating, shortness of breath. 6 million americans suffer from panic disorders. >> they're symptoms that are similar to people having a heart attack, and people fear that they're dying. >> reporter: under the circumstances, it's remarkable that he finished the round. in fact, only later from his hospital bed did he discover how well he did. >> i finally looked at my phone at about 10:30, and that's when
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i realized i had a three-shot lead. >> reporter: but he had two more rounds over the weekend. he had to keep his panic at bay. >> it probably was a blessing in disguise because i probably spent more time worrying about breathing and slowing things down. >> reporter: deep breathing is one way to manage panic attacks. in this case it won him the tournament. other treatments involve valium and other drugs not allowed on the pga tour. for now this new father will stick to managing the attacks by trying to stay calm. >> i was fighting for my career, my family, my baby, everything. the mind is much more powerful than the body. >> reporter: a lesson as important in life as it is in golf. david wright, abc news, los angeles. >> i didn't realize it was that kind of a problem. 6 million folks have that? >> deep breaths, rob. i know you're one of them. >> that's it. kind of crazy. we know what producers and directors think when we start ad-libbing. the panic attack upstairs. >> ah, deep breaths everybody. ad-libbing. the panic attack upstairs. >> ah, deep breaths everybody.
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david wright, abc news, los the panic attack upstairs.
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♪ ♪ all right sunday night where are you ♪ ♪ waiting for the game red, white, and blue ♪ >> everybody knows that song. >> everybody knows faith hill. she looks good when she sings that song. finally, if you were born to be wild, being mild is just not going to cut it. >> that's why more and more bikers are becoming trikers. nick watt joined one gang and went for a spin. >> reporter: beards, chrome, leather vests, more beards, and that noise. but these fellows aren't bikers. they're trikers, saddling up on an easier rider. >> life without your bike is just life.
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and that's never been enough for us. >> reporter: but when old bones just can't handle two wheels anymore -- >> i wanted to get a harley, but i have a bad leg. >> different reasons. different hip replacements. we go to a trike. >> reporter: as the baby boomers are aging, trike sales are through the roof, up 45% last year. harley davidson is making a three-wheeled model. and many of the beasts are custom made. >> most of us just want to keep ourselves in the wind. >> reporter: the brothers of the third wheel a benevolent global triker gang has 7,000 members and counting. there are guys still riding well into their 90s. it's a more laid back experience than a bike, and riding, i could have fallen asleep if it wasn't for bobbi's pink ponytail flapping in my face. triking is keeping the aging and injured on the open road. >> if you don't know the feeling, it is hard to explain. bugs in your teeth, you know,
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it's just a blast. >> reporter: are you going to ride this thing until you die? >> i'll ride until i get killed or die. >> reporter: born to be wild, don is refusing to grow old. nick watt, abc news, on the pacific coast highway. >> hmm. >> wow. manufacturers are actually starting to put conversion kits out there on the market to turn your two-wheeler into a three-wheeler. so whatever keeps you rocking and rolling into your golden years, why not. go for it. >> i like a tricycle. a different kind of tricycle. harley davidson offers the tri-glide ultra classic, base price, 30 grand. >> wow! that pricey, huh? >> uh-huh. >> whew, man. >> it's expensive to ride away in the sunset. >> and then throw the depends on top of that. wow! >> and then throw the depends on top of that. wow! into the sunset. >> and then throw the depends on
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this morning on "worlds this morning on "world news
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now" -- the first sighting of paula broadwell since the world found out she is the mistress of former cia director david petraeus. >> we've also learned that broadwell had e-mailed others now involved in the military sex scandal. it is wednesday, november 14th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." that's right. you heard it. broadwell wasn't only e-mailing the other woman in the scandal, jill kelley. good morning, everyone. i'm paula faris. we have a couple more layers. >> the other other woman. >> the other other. >> get your flowcharts out to follow the story, folks. good morning. i'm rob nelson. reporters will have a chance to question president obama about the story today. it his first news conference since his re-election. >> as if he doesn't have enough on his plate. right? also this half hour, we have reported here about dangers of cheerleading. go team. go, rob. go "world news now."
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well, you probably know where we're going with this one. we've got the latest example from last night in the nba. it's pretty horrific to watch. we'll tell you exactly how this one ended. >> hope she's okay. we're hearing this morning from paul ryan. he tells our john karl about the shock of last tuesday night and whether president obama now has m. some interesting comments from the former veep candidate. >> whether or not he is considering 2016. a mandate to govern in his second term. some interesting comments from the former veep candidate. >> whether or not he is considering 2016. we mentioned the guy the voice of elmo yesterday in ""the skinny,"" well, a distinctly adult story involving a children's character with new developments. stay with us for that. we begin with the first pictures of paula broadwell since it was revealed she did have an affair with david petraeus. broadwell, as you can see here, was seen at her brother's house last night in washington right there in the window, eating and having a little bit of wine.
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>> we're learning much more about the other woman also at the center of the scandal. we are talking about jill kelley. abc's martha raddatz reports. >> reporter: it is breathtaking. within days, two four-star generals so widely respected in the midst of scandal. first, david petraeus, and now general john allen being investigated for sending what the pentagon said were potentially inappropriate messages, putting on hold his likely promotion to become the supreme allied commander in europe. >> of course, it weighs on him as much as it weighs on dave petraeus. i believe that dave is very, very sad for what he has admitted he did. >> reporter: at the center of this web, jill kelley, the tampa socialite and honorary military ambassador, living near the centcom headquarters, where petraeus and allen were once based. officials say it was early this summer that kelley received anonymous e-mails accusing her of flaunting her friendly relationships with top military brass.
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the fbi traced those e-mails back to paula broadwell's computer where they discovered the evidence of broadwell's affair with david petraeus. but it doesn't stop there. abc news has learned that general allen also received an anonymous e-mail traced to paula broadwell painting jill kelley as a seductress. a further look by the fbi into kelley's e-mails revealed hundreds between kelley and general allen. 20,000 to 30,000 pages of communications in all. but a source familiar with the e-mails say they contain no evidence of a sexual relationship. supporting what allen says -- instead, they're described as friendly, perhaps flirtatious, but routine. mostly about meetings with ambassadors and dinner parties. in one note, kelley tells the general she saw him on tv. he responds -- thanks, dear, you're a sweetheart. many e-mails were from kelley to general allen's wife.
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the two couples were good friends. >> until anyone proves otherwise, i believe he did nothing inappropriate. >> reporter: and the white house made clear the president still has faith in general allen. but the petraeus case is an entirely different matter. federal agents descended on the home of his mistress, paula broadwell, gathering more material, including a desktop computer, making sure she doesn't hold any classified information. and dave petraeus, once such a public hero, now forced into the shadows. while there's plenty of anger over petraeus' behavior with paula broadwell, the overwhelming reaction i have heard from troops is one of sadness mixed with pride for his years of leadership and hardship in this nation's wars. martha raddatz, abc new, washington. and we've also learned that jill kelley tried to claim diplomatic immunity in a complaint call to police about reporters who were on her lawn. >> her license plate does carry the title honorary consul, that was given by the korean embassy
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and carries no special privileges. sand we've learned that kelley hired a top washington criminal defense lawyer and publicist. but jill kelley and her husband, very good friends with general petraeus and his wife. in reading of the article from "usa today" they said that jill kelley and petraeus, they exchanged nearly daily e-mails and instant messages, two of his former staffers told ap. but those messages were exchanged in accounts that aides regularly monitored and they were not romantic in tone as were the messages to general allen. >> a lot of the e-mails from jill to general allen were actually to general allen's
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wife. if there was an affair, would the mistress be e-mailing the wife? there is a reason to perhaps believe there was something more innocent than what was going on with petraeus. an interesting historical footnote here. the lawyer now representing broadwell, the petraeus mistress works for the same firm that represented monica lewinsky. so it gets dirty and interesting and just washington -- mmm. insider stuff all the way around too. you have to wonder, the two guys are busy, running wars, they're four-star generals. they have that much time, you know, for all these little, you know, minutia-filled e-mails, 20,000, 30,000 over a two year span? these are two very busy, powerfulmen. why are they in communication with a board socialite what she has been called in tampa. there are still questions here. >> can't be taken down by the most powerful men in the world or terrorists or military, but they can be taken down by women. >> the power of the opposite sex, folks. all right. it is expected president obama will be asked about the petraeus scandal during his news conference this afternoon. abc news will provide live coverage on air and online. it all begins at 1:30 eastern time. and three people are dead following a fiery plane crash in jackson, mississippi.
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all three were killed when their single-engine piper slammed into a house just after takeoff tuesday night. a mother and son escaped the burning home with minor injuries. the cause of the crash is under investigation. and still no word on what caused a powerful explosion that leveled a neighborhood in indianapolis. two people were killed. five homes were destroyed in that blast saturday night. dozens of other homes were damaged. investigators say there was no smell of gas before the explosion, but nothing has been ruled out. a cheerleader for the orlando magic is hospitalized this morning after a stunt went horribly wrong. between the first and second quarter, jamie wood was on a teammate's shoulders when she fell and hit the ground hard. paramedics were so concerned they immediately put her in a neck brace. wood was able to wave to the crowd as she was taken away in a stretcher. the hardwood floor. the wave there's a good sign that she's going to be okay. that's good to see, you know?
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>> those girls are able to maneuver their bodies and flip around. it's dangerous. some people don't think cheerleading is a sport. come on. >> it is dangerous. i'm not going to get tossed up in the air like those folks. hope she's okay. >> yes, we do. well, two pretty hardy snowboarders are back on dry land this morning after being stranded on a blizzard on mt. rainier since sunday. >> they got lost in whiteout conditions with no overnight gear and few crackers to eat. after calling 911, they built a snow cave and hunkered down. once rescue teams arrived with warm drinks, and snowshoes they made it off the mountain on their own power. >> on their own volition they got down the mountain? >> ooh, man. that's impressive. lucky dudes. well, here's your wednesday weather. showers, thunderstorms in the southeast from macon, georgia, jacksonville, orlando, and miami. a couple of inches of mountain snow in the northern rockies. morning showers from seattle to portland. and it's warming up in the southwest. >> 77, phoenix. 67, sacramento. 50s in the pacific northwest.
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mostly 40s in the midwest and northeast. >> all right. she's been waiting for this all morning. go for it. >> no, i haven't. my voice is still struggling, and here's why. as some of you know, i spent the weekend in chicago where i worked for the last six years. saw some friends. had some fun at the bears' game. they did lose unfortunately. i did a pretty good job humiliating myself singing at a fund raiser with richard marx. ♪ i hate myself for loving you ♪ can't break free from the things that you do ♪ ♪ i want to rock but i run back to you ♪ ♪ that's why i hate myself for loving you ♪ yes, i was channeling my inner joan jett. "i hate myself for loving you." i had a little liquid courage before i went on. >> i guess so. >> but the event -- it's called newsapalooza. it's a pretty cool philosophy. they take people, anchors, news reporters, and they pay big
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money to see them out of their element. not everybody is that good. but i want to thank richard roper, rocon, two radio icons. i will not sing it for you. >> you can sing. i've asked you to sing. you have never done it. now you're going to take us to break with a little -- give us a little something, raspy, sexy. go for it. got the lights. ♪ i hate myself for loving you >> oh, paula faris. >> i love myself for loving you. >> i'm impressed. richard marx, yes, indeed. >> i turn my back and you've been messing around. >> no, not me. i'm a choir buoy. i'm impressed. check her out at the grammys. coming up -- we must be getting close to the end of the year because the top ten lists are coming up, one we will have in "the skinny." next up, paul ryan back to the house of representatives and talking to abc news. it's all coming up on "world news now." ♪ i hate myself for loving you >> and we love you. >> joan jett. >> mm-hmm. >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by colonial penn insurance.
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weather brought to you by colonial penn insurance. to you by colonial penn insurance. [ snoring ]
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♪ [ snoring ] [ male announcer ] introducing zzzquil sleep-aid. [ snoring ] [ snoring ] [ male announcer ] it's not for colds, it's not for pain, it's just for sleep. [ snoring ] [ male announcer ] because sleep is a beautiful thing. [ birds chirping ] introducing zzzquil, the non-habit forming sleep-aid from the makers of nyquil. ♪
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well one of the most puzzling results of last week's presidential election was how surprised mitt romney and paul ryan were that they actually lost. >> almost blind-sided. now paul ryan has given his first network tv interview since the defeat to abc's jonathan karl. >> reporter: how much of a shock was it? >> well, you know, we thought we had a really good chance of winning. you know, the polling and the data and all the smart people who watch this stuff, they had a pretty optimistic view on the
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night, and so going into boston that day, we felt like we had a pretty darn good chance of winning. so as you can imagine, it was a bit of a shock when we didn't win. >> reporter: "saturday night live" poked fun at ryan, native of janesville, wisconsin. >> mother sent me to got you, father. paul ryan is doing feats of strength in the drawing room. she thought we would like to see. >> yeah? well, i'd like to see him carry wisconsin! >> reporter: so the president wins 330-some electoral votes, every battleground state with the exception of north carolina. does barack obama now have a mandate? >> i don't think so because they've also re-elected the house republicans. so whether people intended or not, we've got a divided government. >> reporter: so you don't think there's a mandate here. >> i don't because then they would have put nancy pelosi in charge of the house of representatives. see, i think these idea that we talked about i think they're popular ideas. this is a very close election. and unfortunately divided government didn't work very well the last two years. we're going to have to make sure
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it works for the next two years. that means, i think, both parties have to talk to each other. >> reporter: diane sawyer asked speaker boehner if you are now the de facto leader of the republican party. and his answer was, oh, i wouldn't think so. paul ryan is a policy wonk. >> i take that as a great compliment from john. >> reporter: is that your role in the republican party, the house policy wonk? >> i've always been one of the house policy wonks. my role is to continue to be a champion of ideas, to help our party be a reform party that shows how we get economic growth. >> reporter: i asked ryan about speculation that he would be an early front-runner for the republican presidential nomination in 2016. he told me it is way too early to even think about the next presidential race. jonathan karl, abc news, washington. >> he also said another reason that his team lost is that turnout in the urban areas in the country was so high, but they also lost in states with few minorities and rural areas, iowa, new hampshire. and if you really look at a lot of the president's poll numbers,
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three weeks going into the election, there was more at play than folks of color coming out in support. that's one important part of the narrative but not the full story. so, interesting, good to hear from him. and, of course, they're looking at 2016. they're all looking at 2016. so we'll see. >> well, let's hope they look in the mirror first and restructure. >> that's a fine point. when we come back this morning, the verdict is in. it is "in style's" best dressed list. >> see if you agree in "the skinny." >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations. ;ñ$x
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. ♪ skinny so skinny ♪ skinny so skinny ♪ skinny so skinny all right. so anybody that knows anything about fashion and wants to end up on "in style's" top dressed list, the top fashionistas of 2012, we will start with -- >> besides us. >> besides us. i think we're the worst dressed list actually. the best dressed of 2012, emma stone. actress. >> all right. >> the stunning blond. sometimes she has red hair. sometimes she has dark hair. you never know. she looks beautiful no matter what. emma stone is coming in as the top dressed female of 2012. then diane kruger, no relation to my husband john krueger. it's spelled a little differently. she is still stunning. >> thank you for clarifying. >> kristen stewart. how about that.
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alexia chung. oopz >> kristen, i just don't get it. >> and kate bosworth. top five. then, we have a wee one, little suri cruise at number nine. >> little suri. young to be on the list. i have to ask. kate middleton made the list to assume? duchess of cambridge. seven. >> there she is. >> why would you care about that? >> i don't know. >> she is on everyone's top list. i don't know if she got bumped off, which would be a major scandal. "gma" would cover all morning. >> he says he doesn't like the royals. >> i don't like the royals. >> truth comes out. >> speaking of the truth, truth comes out. kevin clash, the voice behind the popular character elmo. nasty allegations came out he had a relationship with an under aged boy. he has since confirmed, yes, he is gay, yes, there was a relationship, but it happened when the accuser, who is now 23 years old, came out and said, look, i'm recanting my accusations here.
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yes, there was a relationship, but i was of age at the time. so this young man, kevin clash, the voice of elmo, has been cleared now and exonerated. so whatever rumors are out there the last few days are all cleared up. the accuser says, no, you know, i'm taking it back. good news that we got to that. so, you know, no, all the tickle me jokes can cease for now. >> geez. rob, when you pick up the latest edition of "allure" magazine, december edition. >> right next to the toilet. >> -- you're going to see keira knightley and a lot of her but not actually not much of her. she's coming under criticism for this cover shot because critics are saying she looks anorexic. this has plagued her for a very long time. she said -- tells the magazine the constant criticism gets her at times. she denies it. i knew i wasn't anorexic, that maybe my body is somehow not right. yeah. under fire. >> body images. in hollywood. >> 58 pounds. >> send her a burger. send her some snacks. >> do i look fat? yeah. under fire. >> body images.
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in hollywood. >> 50 pounds. >> send her a burger. send her some snacks. >> do i look fat? i'm only in my 60's... i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. then i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses.
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♪ >> haven't heard that song in years. well done, guys. >> mm-hmm. finally, we have all been there, driving in a hurry and stuck behind a school bus taking forever and ever. i think they're still unloading all those kids. probably tempted to pass right around it. >> well, one cleveland woman didn't have to wait because she detoured right around the bus on the sauk, but that's where her luck ended and our paul clis ka of our cleveland station has the story. >> reporter: when 32-year-old sheena hardin pulled her sidewalk stunt in september, she didn't know she was being recorded. today it was lights, camera, action. the video captured in cleveland went viral, the cleveland muni court judge pinky karr
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displeased and sentenced hardin to an unusual punishment, no jail time for driving on the swauk to get around a stopped school bus. however, a fine, a suspended driver's license, and this. during this morning's rush hour, harden had to stand at the intersection of 38th and superior wearing a sign that read "only an idiot drives on the sidewalk to avoid a school bus." people passing by said -- >> nice punishment for her. she just should have took another route. >> people don't want to stop for buses all the time. just yesterday it almost happened. i am hoping people will learn from her mistake. >> lisa kelly's daughter was the one being picked up by the school bus when hardin drove on the sidewalk. kelly thinks hardin is not taking this punishment seriously. >> she's been texting, she's been smoking, she's hiding her face, she's got sunglasses on and it's snowing outside. you know, she don't care. >> reporter: as for hardin, she wasn't answering any questions. >> reporter: maybe you feel like you didn't do anything wrong. >> reporter: perhaps she is letting the sign do her talking.
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in cleveland, paul kiss ka, channel news 5. >> as you heard in the piece the woman hasn't been doing what she is supposed to. the judge is upset because she's been out there leaning on her sign, texting, chain smoking, even hopped back in a waiting car during the hour she is supposed to be out there. now the judge in the case is going to personally super advise her this morning to make sure she does it the right way. >> he's going to join her. >> he's going to personally supervise her is the update we have on the story, because she has been taking the lazy way out. >> i hope she takes the punishment seriously. she seriously could have hurt a child. >> some kids. all right. kind of scary. okay. have fun leaning on that sign. more from abc next. >> announcer: this is abc's "world news now" -- informing insomniacs for two decades. on that sign. more from abc next. >> announcer: this is abc's "wor@ññcús1@ú?
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